
To install Jupyter boxes run the following command

npm install jupyter_boxes -g

JBox commands

Once installed, the library will contain a set of commands that can be run from the terminal. These commands will help on building the environment before you cam actually use the framework.


usage: jbox_build [–url_path <path>] [–no_frontend]

This command will build the python virtualenv for the backend to work. Will install all required libraries into a directory containing the virtual environment called jbox_venv. It also installs and build the front end. Url path is used when building the frontend


usage: jbox_reset_db [–rerun_notebooks true] [–celery true]

This command will reset the backend “database” containing the notebooks that have been parsed. This will take any notebooks in the parsed directory and return them to be parsed again. It also restarts the db.json “database” file.

rerun_notebooks - will move notebooks to rerun folder

celery - will perform the reset on the celery/RabbitMQ directory.


usage: jbox_start [–backend_port <9494>] [–cron_log true] [–celery]

This command will start the whole framework. This includes the backend, frontend, and cron schedule. There are two optional parameters, one for setting the backend-port and the second to allow logs to be created for the cron job. This file could be big so take into consideration. To run on the background add the & at the end.

backend_port - Port to have the JBox running out of. Defaults to 9494

cron_log - Notebook parsers can print alot of infomation, by setting cron_log it defaults to store into a log file.

celery - will run the app on the celery/RabbitMQ directory.

jbox_start --cron_log true --backend_port port_number --celery


usage: jbox_start_back_end [–backend_port <9494>] [–url_path </>]

Starts the backend with a specified port. you can set a url path if you dont want it to be on the generic /. Meant for testing. If frontend is build, can be used the deployment.

jbox_start_back_end --backend_port port_number --url_path /dns/


usage: jbox_start_back_end_celery [–backend_port <9494>]

Starts the celery backend wihtout dameon. Meant for testing.

jbox_start_back_end_celery --backend_port port_number


usage: jbox_paths

Command to display paths available to configure JBox.

How to start

Once you have installed JBox as global, you will have access to all the above commands on the terminal. Lets start by building the python and node environment.


Once the command finishes, the system will have all the required python installs and node. It will also build the frontend into the flask backend. Now there are two backends JBox can use, a RabbitMQ/Celery and a Python/Thread version. Below we can see how to run both.


In order to use the Celery/RabbitMQ version, you need to have RabbitMQ installed on your system (follow RabbitMQ website for installation. To run automatically the backend with RabbitMQ you would need to create a user and a virtualhost for JBox. Below are the commands by us.

sudo rabbitmqctl add_user jbox jbox
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost jbox_vhost
sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags jbox administrator
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p jbox_vhost jbox ".*" ".*" ".*"

Once the commands are ran you can start the app.

jbox_start --celery true

Now you can go in localhost to port 9494 and you should have access to JBox.

Once you put a notebook on the notebooks directory and it gets parsed, you can access your db.json file from the browser by going go the jbox_rest endpoint.

Thread backend

This one is more simple. Once the build command as finished you can run the jbox_start and you can go on from there.


Now you can go in localhost to port 9494 and you should have access to JBox.

Once you put a notebook on the notebooks directory and it gets parsed, you can access your db.json file from the browser by going go the jbox_rest endpoint.